What Is Quantum Mechanics Really All About?

When you heard the word ‘quantum mechanics’, a lot of things come to your mind like cat being alive and dead at the same time, nothing is precisely known, etc. While the above idea is somewhat linked to quantum mechanics, they are not what quantum mechanics is about. To understand what quantum mechanics is about,ContinueContinue reading “What Is Quantum Mechanics Really All About?”

What Are Antimatters?

Now we can practically convert energy into mass with full efficiency of E=mc2.  The credit for this full efficiency goes to antimatter. When matter and antimatter come into contact, they annihilate each other and convert their mass into 100% energy. But what are antimatter? Antimatter are the opposites of matter. They are identical in allContinueContinue reading “What Are Antimatters?”

Bosons – The Force Carrying Particles

The Standard Model of Particle Physics has three different types of particles – quarks, leptons and bosons. We have covered the first two types i.e. quarks and leptons. So, today let’s learn about bosons. Bosons are the force carrying particles. There are five different types of bosons known to us – photon (carrier of electromagneticContinueContinue reading “Bosons – The Force Carrying Particles”

Neutrino – The Ghostly Particle

Neutrinos are ghostly particles. They can change their identities. They have mass of about one-millionth of the mass of electron. Also, they are neutral and interact only via the nuclear weak force and gravity. Think of this, if we take the strength of nuclear strong force as 1, electromagnetism’s strength is 10^-2, nuclear weak force’sContinueContinue reading “Neutrino – The Ghostly Particle”

Why There Can’t Be An Isolated Quark?

Quarks and leptons may have many similarities like they are part of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Also, they are one of the most elementary particles. But they have a big difference. There can be a free isolated leptons like electron but there can’t be an isolated, free quark. Imagine this, there is noContinueContinue reading “Why There Can’t Be An Isolated Quark?”

What is a Quantum Field?

Do you know that all the particles of the Standard Model of Particle Physics are just excitations in their own fields? Feel weird. Yes. Reality is weirder than you think. A field is a measurement or quantity assigned to every point in space. So quantum field is a field of quantum properties. And according toContinueContinue reading “What is a Quantum Field?”

What’s Beyond Protons & Neutrons?

What is the most elementary particle? What is that thing which made up everything in the universe? These are the questions that has been raging on for millineas. Even the Greek asked what is the most elementary particle. Some said that there are four elementary particles: air, water, fire and the earth(land). While some saidContinueContinue reading “What’s Beyond Protons & Neutrons?”

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